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Culinary tips
And why not replace sugar by a true product from nature that is honey. In pastry, in tea and coffee, in yoghurt.. How to combine honey with cheese? Here are some suggestions: acacia honey: with hot gorgonzola and stilton eucalyptus honey: sheep cheeses like medium ripe pecorino thyme honey: matured cow cheeses like ragusano or caciocavallo orange honey: cheeses made from the 'pasta filata' method like mozzarella or soft scamorza pine honey: fresh cheeses or yoghurt, smoked camorza linden honey: mountain cheeses like mature toma, bagoss, bitto from Valtellina dandelion and apple honey: especially goats cheeses
Practical info
Honeys in 28g jars: upon request per box of 96 mini jars Honeys in 250g jars, per box of 6 jars Acacia honey in squeezer type bottle of 1kg Honeys in squeezer type bottles of 250g, in boxes of 15: acacia (soft) - wild flower (medium) - chestnut(strong) Serving utensils in metal or plexiglass
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Monofloral honeys can only be found in vast areas of land, such as Italy. Every year Andrea looks for the right places to place his beehives from northern Trento to southern Sicily.
La Tomaterie
In short
Acaciahoney (acacia) from Trentino-alto Adige & Veneto, harvest May: with goats and sheep cheeses, herbal cheeses, all mature cheeses
Honeysuckle (sulla) from Calabria, harvest May: in sour dough and pastry
Wild flower honey (millefiori): in cakes, ice cream and panna cotta
Fir honey (melata d'abete) from Trentino-alto-Adige, harvest July/August: on toast, black bread with salted butter
Linden honey (tiglio) from Trentino-alto-Adige, oogst end of June: with all types of tea, herbal tea and infusions
Forest honey dew (melata di bosco) from Friuli-Venezia-Giulia, harvest July/August: in warm milk and coffee, with gluhwein
Alpine flowers honey (fiore delle Alpi) from Trentino, harvest July/August: in yoghurt, fruit salad and smoothies
Sun flower honey (girasole) from Molise, harvest June/July : in soups and stocks
Coriander honey (coriandolo): in egg-based preparations, in tempura
Eucalyptus honey (eucalipto) from Basilicata, harvest July: with roasted vegetables
Wild carrot honey (carota selvatica): in a classic 'soffritto' (carrot-oignon-celery fry)
Orange blossom honey (arancio), from Basilicata, harvest April: with olive oil and lemon in a vinaigrette to serve with raw vegetables
Dandelion honey (tarassaco) from Trentino-Alto-Adige, harvest May: in an emulsion with vinegar, with roasted meats
Thistle honey (cardo) from Sicily, harvest June/July: in a tuna based sauce, in a mayonnaise
Chestnut honey (castagno), from Trentino-Alto-Adige, harvest June/July: with ricotta and parmigiano reggiano
Alpine honey: honey with essential oils of pine including a piece of pine coming from the small nature reserve up on the hills near Mielithun
Apple honey (melo) from Trentino-Alto-Adige, harvest May: in marinated poultry and game meats
Thyme honey (timo) from Sicily, harvest June/July: mix with fresh herbs to marinate fish