
Culinary tips

  • Don't forget to rinse the capers in water and keep the salted water to boil your pasta or other.
  • Fish, carpaccio, other raw meat, typical Sicilian preparations such as caponata.

Practical info

  • Available in jars of 90g and plastic pots of 1kg
  • Once a jar or pot is opened, store the capers in your fridge
  • Ingredients: capers, 20% salt of Trapani


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The calibration machine allows Nino to keep the smaller capers aside for La Tomaterie. They are tastier and have more bite.

Nino Caravaglio



Je kan kappertjes zowel rauw als in gekookte bereidingen gebruiken. Ofwel ontzout je de kappertjes gedurende een uur of twee, ofwel ontzout je niet en hoef je geen zou meer toe te voegen aan je bereiding.

Appelkappertjes daarentegen moeten sowieso een ontzoutingsproces ondergaan gedurende 1 dag.

In short
  • Capers that grown on vulcanic islands like Salina have a unique terroir
  • A caper is the bud of a caper plant before it flowers. It's that simple!
  • Following the manual harvest of the capers, they are stored in wooden vats with layers if salt. After about 5 to 6 weeks of salt ripening, the capers are ready to be put into jars.
  • Caper berries are the flower of the caper plant.